Represent a share of their respective pool
Liquidity Pool
Approximately 20% of the digital assets in all Gain pools is used for providing liquidity and market making on centralized and decentralized exchanges. This allows GAIN token holders sufficient liquidity to enter and exit our ecosystem in a timely and cost-effective manner, while having the added benefit of generating income for our pools.
All smart contracts in the Gain ecosystem have been audited by Zokyo Labs.
Full Reserve
All circulating GAIN tokens hold a full 1:1 reserve with their corresponding pool. This is possible by using a series of decentralized distribution contracts and multi-signature wallets that only release GAIN tokens into circulation once they are first exchanged for ETH.
Liquidity Pair
The primary liquidity pair for the Ethereum pool is the GAIN/ETH pair. ETH is the unit of value that is used to process transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.
GAIN tokens can be voluntarily burned in order to reduce the maximum supply of GAIN tokens.
Ethereum Blockchain
GAIN is an ERC20 utility/governance token that operates on the Ethereum network.
Linear Distribution
As the Ethereum Pool fills, the cost per GAIN token increases in a linear fashion from 1,000 GAIN equals 1 ETH, to 50 GAIN equals 1 ETH.
Liquidity Pool
Approximately 20% of the digital assets in all Gain pools is used for providing liquidity and market making on centralized and decentralized exchanges. This allows uGAIN token holders sufficient liquidity to enter and exit our ecosystem in a timely and cost-effective manner, while having the added benefit of generating income for our pools.
All smart contracts in the Gain ecosystem have been audited by Zokyo Labs.
Full Reserve
All circulating uGAIN tokens hold a full 1:1 reserve with the USD Pool. This is possible by using a series of decentralized distribution contracts and multi-signature wallets that only release uGAIN tokens into circulation once they are first exchanged for USDC.
Liquidity Pair
The primary liquidity pair for the USD Pool is the uGAIN/USDC pair. USDC is a USD stablecoin issued by Circle and Coinbase.
uGAIN tokens can be voluntarily burned in order to reduce the maximum supply of uGAIN tokens.
Ethereum Blockchain
uGAIN is an ERC20 utility token that operates on the Ethereum network.
Linear Distribution
As the USD Pool fills, the cost per uGAIN token increases in a linear fashion from 1 uGAIN equals 1 USDC, to 1 uGAIN equals 20 USDC.
Pool tokens are distributed via a combination of decentralized exchanges and smart contracts.
Pool tokens can only enter circulation if they are first exchanged for the pools underlying asset (ETH for GAIN or USDC for uGAIN)
Token movements are controlled by a multi-sig wallet (5/9 signatures requiered), constrained by trust’s operating agreement, and monitored by the DAO validator and GAIN enterprises.
Provides liquidity for exchanges
50% of the uncirculated GAIN tokens are locked into a time-release vesting smart contract provided by Finance team
Tokens are released in 40 equal quarterly unlocks, allowing for controlled distribution.
Once unlocked, tokens can be purchased by new participants through exchanges.
The contract holds GAIN tokens at a fixed rate of 1000 GAIN to 1 ETH, specifically earmarked for Gain team members and advisors, ensuring a controlled distribution.
Tokens are released into circulation only through exchange for ETH, preserving GAIN's full-reserve token status, with the Gain treasury repurchasing tokens as the ecosystem generates returns.
The smart contract offers a decentralized method for ecosystem participants to acquire GAIN tokens, eliminating the need for centralized exchanges.
The exchange rate for GAIN tokens starts at 1000 to 1 ETH and linearly decreases to a final rate of 50 GAIN to 1 ETH, at which point the contract will be depleted.
Liquidity Pools
Liquidity on Demand
In order to provide on demand liquidity for our ecosystem participants, 20% of the pool assets are allocated for Uniswap liquidity and market making.
This allows our token holders to enter and exit our ecosystem in a timely and cost-effective manner, while having the added benefit of generating income for our pools.